Category Archives: ADHD

How successful are Neurofeedback treatments, and how long do they last?

Here’s a text I just received today: “I wanted to let you know ‘CM’ is doing great! He is a junior (in high school) now. He has a job. He got straight A’s in his regular classes and 2 online … Continue reading

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Tips for Getting Your Child to Bed

School is starting soon, and parents will be in the yearly struggle of getting students to bed earlier.  This is a little more difficult with ADHD children.  Here are some tips from Terry Matlen of ADDConsults: There are many studies … Continue reading

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Five Drug-Free Treatments for ADHD

Medication is not the only treatment for ADHD! Dr Daniel Amen recommends 5 Drug Free Treatments for ADHD They are: Neurofeedback – Brain training using EEG Neurofeedback – effective, but takes several sessions, no side effects Nutrition – High protein, … Continue reading

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Study Shows Link Between Maternal Stress and Childhood ADHD

A study published in The Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry suggests that there is  a relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and childhood ADHD.  Which kind of makes sense.  There is an increasing amount of … Continue reading

Posted in ADHD, anxiety, Autism, Children, Families, Neurofeedback, Pregnant Mothers | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

CNN Report on Neurofeedback

Here’s a report from CNN about treating anxiety and ADD with Neurofeedback.  Click here to check it out!

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Open House Saturday, March 28

In celebration of Brain Awareness Week, The Center for NeuroFitness and The LifeSource Group are teaming up to host an Open House Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at The LifeSource Building 248 Southpark Circle East, … Continue reading

Posted in Addictions, ADHD, Brain Health and Aging, Concussions, Depression, Neurofeedback Research, Sports Peak Performance, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

From abc news: New Study Reveals ADHD Can Be Treated Without Drugs

From GMA and ABC News:  “New Study Reveals ADHD Can Be Treated Without Drugs” Click here for the video

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Happy ADD Awareness Month!

Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge about ADD.  Click here for the quiz.

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New study shows ADHD meds do not improve grades

A new long term study on the effects of ADHD medications on student grades is out.  The June study looked at medication usage and educational outcomes of nearly 4,000 students in Quebec over an average of 11 years and found … Continue reading

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Biofeedback now a ‘Level 1 – Best Support’ Intervention for Attention and Hyperactivity Behaviors

Good news for Neurofeedback!  The American Academy of Pediatrics “Evidence-based Child and Ado­les­cent Psycho-social Inter­ven­tions”  has just announced it will ele­vate biofeed­back to “Level 1 — Best Sup­port” as an inter­ven­tion for Atten­tion & Hyper­ac­tiv­ity Behav­iors in the next edi­tion.  Read article … Continue reading

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