Many ADHDers are Time Challenged

One of the characterics of ADHD is the inability to determine accurately how much time a project will take, or how much time it will take to get places. Time is a hard concept for many of those who struggle with ADHD.

So we asked several adults with ADHD how they handle their relationship with Time. Below are some responses (courtesy of ADDitude Magazine): 

I am only aware that time has passed when I look at a clock. Without that, I just think of the last time I checked and assume, ‘That must be what time it is.’ I know that sounds silly, but I really don’t know how long it takes to do simple everyday things, like make and eat breakfast, much less large tasks or projects.”

“Time is a completely fluid concept to me. I am chronically optimistic that I can do just one more thing.”

“It takes conscious effort not to succumb to the magical thinking that a week’s worth of tasks can be fit into a day. I’m a writer, and I’ve missed or pushed, with great anxiety, more deadlines than I can count. Same with arriving late to appointments. It’s as if any time between tasks disappears into a black hole. I would get many years back if I could retrieve that time.”

“I have downloaded and deleted countless apps in an attempt to keep track of my time. Turns out, my best solution is to set an alarm to go off every few hours with the label ‘THE PASSAGE OF TIME’ to make me stop and check where I am in the day.”

“I realized how bad my sense of time was when this conversation kept repeating itself in our house: Me: ‘It’ll take about five minutes to get there.’ My husband (looks at me funny and says): ‘Or closer to 20…’ And he was always right. Sometimes I play music while doing chores/errands, just because the changing songs mark the passage of time.”

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Teen’s Brain Goes Through Lots of Changes

The Teenage Brain undergoes lots of developmental changes during the teenage years. A parent’s understanding of these changes can help their child through this amazing process and might help explain some teenage behaviors and how to react to them. Sometimes these changes become overwhelming, over intensified, or don’t proceed as expected, due to physical, emotional, or chemical trauma to the brain. In these cases, an intervention may be needed. Neurofeedback can help get the teenage brain back on track and improve neuro-self regulation.

Here are some changes parents can expect as the teenage brain matures:

-Some unused or lightly-used Neuronal connections are pruned, while others are strengthened. Your teen will begin to realize what they are good at and pursue those endeavors.

-Limbic System will most likely be overactive. Lots of emotions!

-Social Awareness increases. Being part of a group increases in importance.

-Dopamine levels rise

-Sleep Cycles change. Teens need lots of sleep, but they tend to go to sleep later than adults.

-Sexual awareness increases

For a more in-depth look at these changes click here

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How Sleep helps Brain Function

We are learning more and more about the relationship between adequate sleep and brain function. Your brain does a lot of things while you are ‘sleeping’, including removing cellular wastes and toxins that have built up during the time you are awake; consolidates memory (important for students!); manages emotions; and lots more. Click here to read more about sleep and brain function. If your brain needs help in regulating sleep patterns so you get more and better sleep, give Neurofeedback a try. NF helps teach the brain to regulate itself better. Contact us to set up a complimentary consult (valid through June 30!)

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Relieving stress can help with one’s Mental Health. Meditation, relaxation breathing, exercise and mindfulness are all things you can do at home to help with your mental health. If more help is needed, Neurofeedback can help your brain take back control of your emotions and better regulate it’s functioning. We are open and are accepting new clients. Contact us during May for a complimentary consult.

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Scholarships available for College Students doing Research on Neurofeedback

Did you know that FERB (Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback) has money available for Research Grants and attending the AAPB Annual Conference (this year will be in La Jolla, California).

FERB will award its annual research grants for student projects in the amount of $1,500. Each student must complete an application form in which they provide details about their proposal (research question, measures, subject recruitment, hypotheses, statistics, etc.). Research support will be limited, based on the quality of the submissions and availability of funds.

In 2020 FERB will award travel scholarships in the amount of $300 plus AAPB conference registration to a limited number of students who present or volunteer at the AAPB meeting in La Jolla, pending formal application to FERB by the student and verification of meeting participation by AAPB.

Can’t make it this year? Apply now, or in the near future, for next years’ grants!

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Neurofeedback Found to Change the Brain

There have been several studies done that show Neurofeedback does change the brain. fMRI’s and Spect Scans done after a Neurofeedback session show a difference in brain function. But those changes don’t last long. Many sessions of Neurofeedback are usually required before the brain actually incorporates those changes for the long term. In other words, it takes the brain several sessions for it to ‘learn and retain’ those changes for the long term. Here is the most recent study showing that Neurofeedback changes the brain

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Parents, kids and tech devises

Apps like Find My iPhone give parents the ability to see where their children are at all times. Parents can also check their child’s browser history, look up grades, read their group chats and text them all day long.

But should they?

Here’s a great article from NPR’s   Anya Kamenetz on Parents, kids and tech devises. We also know that tech devises can cause problems for those with ADHD.

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How do you go from one of the worst pitchers in the AL, to pitching in the All-Star game the following year? Brain Training, of course!

When things just weren’t going very well for Chicago White Sox pitcher Lucas Giolito last season, he knew he had to do something. He ended the 2018 season with an ERA of 6.13, the highest among AL starters who threw at least 160 innings. But, the 24 year old Lucas has all that is needed physically to succeed in the major league. He’s 6’6″ and can throw a fastball consistently in the upper 90’s. So what did he do in the off season to change things around? He altered his motion a bit, and improved his brain! Enhanced his quiet focus. Learned to intrinsically control his emotions on the mound. Giolito did this with Neurofeedback training. Read about it here and see a video of Giolito talking about Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback has been used by lots of professional and olympic athletes, including Sean Casey, who used Neurofeedback to increase his batting average. Click here to see how Neurofeedback helped other athletes.

If you’re an athlete looking to better your performance with Neurofeedback, contact us at 904-584-4210 or, for a complimentary consult. CAUTION: If you are a high school athlete, doing Neurofeedback may have side effects including better grades in school!

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What are the effects of screentime on children?

How does screen-time effect children? If the screen time involves video games, The WHO (World Health Organization) now has an official diagnoses: Video Game Addiction, aka Internet Gaming Disorder. This is when playing video games interferes with normal daily activities, like personal hygiene, going to work or school, eating regular meals and socializing with friends and family. One of the major problems with many video games is there is ‘no end’ to the game. Many video games today are purposefully constructed to encourage play over longer periods of time (and purchase upgrades).

Just the use of screen devices has an effect on the brain. 60 Minutes did a segment on what research studies are showing about too much screen time. Though more study is needed, the research shows too much screen time changes brain function! Like in all things, too much of one activity is bad for the brain.

What can be done to limit screen time? Try de-activating one or more your social apps, like Instagram or Facebook for a week (most people find this rather liberating)! Another idea is to have a family no screen hour (or two) each day. Encourage talking to each other face to face, or do an activity together; painting, game of catch, board game, puzzle, or call a relative or friend, etc. (What did you do as a child before screens?) If you’re having trouble limiting screen time, you can even hire a professional ‘screen consultant’ or coach.

Those experiencing major symptoms of a video gaming addiction can get help with a psychotherapist and/or Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback has been shown to be very helpful as a way of teaching the brain better ways to regulate itself.

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Super Foods for the Growing Brain

Now that the holidays are over and the kiddos back in school, we can get back to a better routine, which, for many, includes getting back to eating a more healthy diet. Eating a better diet is not only good for your waste line, but also for your brain! And especially important for the growing brains of our children, and even more important for those brains that might be struggling with ADHD, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Breakfast is a must for maturing brains. A brain healthy breakfast can include eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, or a smoothie. Be sure to include some super berries, like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

For lunch, be sure to include some protein! Grilled chicken, yogurt, and peanut butter a good sources.

Fish and salads make a good dinner. Be sure to include lots of greens in your salad, along with olive oil, tomatoes, and walnuts. And be sure to add other vegetables.

Jessica Franklin has some ideas of how to incorporate these super foods into your youngster’s diet. Click here to read her article in Giggle Magazine.

A Brain Healthy Diet, along with Neurofeedback, proper exercise, and adequate sleep, can give your brain (or that of your child) Super Powers! #betterdiet #brainhealthydiet #Neurofeedback #betterbrain

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