March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!  We’re finding that even small knocks to the head can be damaging to the brain.  After all, when the skull is stopped suddenly, like in a helmet to helmet crash in football, the soft brain ricochets against the insides of the hard skull, and no helmet can protect the brain from this!  Even more damage is done when there are several ‘brain’ knocks before the brain heals from the first, and often successive trauma’s are much more damaging than one big trauma.  Check out the chart, and if you have a head injury, stop your activity, and let your brain heal.  And if your brain needs help in recovering, give us a call.  Best idea is to involve yourself in brain friendly activities, like ping pong, and avoid those that pose substantial risk.  Take care of your brain, it is the only one you have, and it can’t be replaced!

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